June 22nd 2025, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Welcome to the TRUST-AD IV Workshop 2025!

Modern AI techniques have propelled significant advancements in autonomous driving (AD), enabling systems to navigate complex environments with remarkable performance. However, these achievements are overshadowed by a critical limitation: the reliance on black-box models, which are opaque in their decision-making processes and challenging to validate. This lack of transparency hampers deployment, regulatory validation, and public trust, particularly in safetycritical applications. To address these challenges, there is an urgent need to integrate explainable AI, robust validation strategies, and generative data techniques into the development of AD systems.
This workshop brings together cutting edge approaches to transform black-box models into interpretable, trustworthy systems and tries to answer the following questions:
  • How to reach safety and trustworthiness in AD using synthetic data and simulation?
  • How can (generative) AI enhance explainability and interpretability?
  • What is required to validate the generated data and embodied systems?

This workshop is partially based on the SAFE-DRIVE workshop.


Call For Papers

The following three topic clusters are in focus of TRUST-AD:
 •  Synthetic Data and Simulation: Modeling and generation of data-driven traffic simulations, realistic object behavior, edge case scenarios and naturalistic driving environments; bridging the simulation-reality gap;
 •  Explainable AI for Trustworthy and Transparent Systems: Foundation models for safe autonomy; reasoning and guidance with natural language; object-centric world model representation; human-AV interaction in mixed traffic; behavior prediction and planning and its relevance for AV safety; transferable and continuous driver behavior modeling; explainable End-to-End models;
 •  Validation Frameworks and Regulatory Alignment: quality of generated data; simulation framework for mixedtraffic validation; adversarial testing and validation frameworks; alignment with regulatory requirements and public trust;


Autonomous Driving, End-End Models, Generative AI, Explainable AI, AD Safety, Synthetic Data, Simulation, Trustworthy Systems, Validation Frameworks, Regulatory Alignment

Keynote Speakers



The workshop will take place on June 22nd, 2025. Preliminary schedule:

Time Event Details
08:30 Welcome 10 min
08:40 Synthetic Data and Simulation 2 keynotes
09:40 Spotlights 2 x 10 min
10:00 Coffee Break -
10:00 Poster Sessions 60 min
11:00 Explainable AI for Trustworthy and Transparent Systems 2 keynotes, 60 min
12:00 Lunch Break 60 min
13:00 Spotlights 3 x 10 min
13:30 Validation Frameworks and Regulatory Alignment 2 keynotes, 60 min
14:30 Spotlights 3 x 10 min
15:00 Coffee Break 30 min
15:30 Safe Deployment of AD 1 keynote, 30 min
16:00 Panel Discussion Speakers, 60 min
17:00 Closing 10 min


Workshop Code for submission: TRUST-AD
Workshop Paper Submission deadline: 1st February 2025 at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth
Workshop Paper Notification of Acceptance: March 30, 2025
Workshop Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 25, 2025
Paper submission here.


Q: Will there be archival proceedings?
A: Yes, All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and will be published in IEEE proceedings.

Q: Should submitted papers be anonymized or without authors names?
A: No.

Q: My paper contains ABC, but not XYZ, is this good enough for a submission?
A: Submissions will be peer-reviewed based on the information provided here.

Q: My question is not listed here. How can I contact you?
A: Please reach out to us at the email address and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have!

Q: Will the deadline for paper submission be extented?
A: We are afraid that all deadline are firm and will not be extended.

Q: What is the unique code for this workshop for submission?
A: The unique code for submitting the paper for this workshop is "TRUST-AD". More Information here.

Keynote Talks



  • shoaib Azam

    Shoaib Azam

    is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Aalto University & Finnish center for Artifical Intelligence, Finland.

  • Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel

    Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel

    is a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers Institute of Technology focusing on virtual toolchains for verification and validation of autonomous driving functions.

  • Tsvetomila Mihaylova

    Tsvetomila Mihaylova

    is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Aalto University, Finland.

  • Stefan Reitmann

    Stefan Reitmann

    is a research fellow at Lund University, Sweden.

  • Yuchen Liu

    Yuchen Liu

    is a PhD student at the Chair of Ergonomics at the Technical University of Munich, focusing on socio-technical interactions between pedestrians and automated vehicles.

  • Markus Enzweiler

    Markus Enzweiler

    is a Professor of Autonomous Mobile Systems and a Director of the Institute for Intelligent Systems in Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany

  • Katharina Winter

    Katharina Winter

    is a Research Assistant at the Intelligent Vehicles Lab and a PhD candidate at Munich University of Applied Sciences. Her research focuses on trajectory planning with LLMs.

  • Fabian Schmidt

    Fabian Schmidt

    is a Research Assistant at the Institute for Intelligent Systems at Esslingen University and a PhD candidate at the University of Freiburg, focusing on visual localization and LLM-based decision-making for autonomous systems.

  • Fabian Flohr

    Fabian Flohr

    is a full professor of machine learning at the Munich University of Applied Sciences where he is leading the Intelligent Vehicles Lab.

  • Farzeen Munir

    Farzeen Munir

    is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Aalto University & Finnish center for Artifical Intelligence, Finland.

  • Julian Kooij

    Julian Kooij

    is an Associate Professor in the Intelligent Vehicles group, part of the Cognitive Robotics department of TU Delft, The Netherlands.

  • Mazen Mohamad

    Mazen Mohamad

    is a researcher in the research institute of Sweden, Sweden’s research institute and innovation partner.

  • Mohan Ramesh

    Mohan Ramesh

    is a Research Assistant at the Intelligent Vehicles Lab and a PhD candidate at Munich University of Applied Sciences. His research focuses on synthesising human motion and behaviour for autonomous driving applications.

  • Erik Schütz

    Erik Schütz

    is a Research Assistant at the Intelligent Vehicles Lab and a PhD candidate at Munich University of Applied Sciences. His research focuses on trajectory prediction for vulnerable road users.

  • Peter Pinggera

    Peter Pinggera

    is a System Architect at Zenseact, where he is working on bringing safe ADAS and AD systems into production.


    Part of the team of workshop organizers are members of German publicly funded projects.